On which fingers what rings are worn

 Jewelry can tell you a lot about its owner. Sometimes a good observer can even learn from an ordinary ring what the observer himself does not even know.

Big. According to esotericists, the energy flowing through this finger affects the head and neck in many ways. Therefore, it is believed that for people who are constantly engaged in mental activity, it is best to wear a large massive decoration (ring or signet) on the thumb of the left hand. And the right one should be decorated by people who seek power and control over others, for example, managers, teachers, public figures, politicians, and diplomats.

Nameless. In countries with the Christian religion, the ring finger of the right and left hands is usually occupied by engagement rings. But putting a ring on the same finger of the left hand is not recommended, since it is traditionally occupied by engagement rings from the marriage in which a woman lost her husband.

Did you know that according to business etiquette, there should be no more than three rings on your hands?

Average. You can wear whatever you like on this finger. On long beautiful fingers, both thin jewelry made in the style of minimalism and massive large rings look chic. Several rings, worn on top of each other, made in the same style, look incomparably beautiful on the middle fingers. And you can also put jewelry on different parts of the phalanges of the fingers, which is considered very fashionable this year.

Demonstrative. The index finger is one of the strongest on the hand, so it is usually assigned the fate of heavy, massive rings with inserts: rings, cookies, monograms, cocktail rings. Usually this part of the hand attracts the most attention, so girls and ladies try to dress it up as much as possible so that everyone can see her favorite trinket.

Pinkie. This tricky finger is not decorated very often, as it is quite difficult to choose a ring to fit the size. This is usually put on the decoration that means a lot to a person or reminds them of something, the decoration that people consider their amulet or amulet.

Engagement rings

Who puts a ring on the little finger

On the right hand

The ring on the little finger of the girl's right hand shows that you have a creative, extraordinary, open to the world nature. Such representatives of the fair sex love risk, adventure, easy to communicate and tend to constantly search for new experiences and emotions. You can never be 100% sure of this beauty, as she can spontaneously change the direction of her interests and desires, and she will rarely be faithful to what she said.

On the left hand

What can you say about a woman who put a ring on her left little finger? This is a serious, purposeful and very strong person who can not only live in a family, but also independently never get bored. Such a girl will make you respect yourself and knows a lot about good relationships with others. However, most likely, this person is lonely or often feels lonely even in the family circle. And as for this finger, it's a tricky one. It is difficult for an average young woman to find a ring on this finger, since usually the size of the little finger is very tiny (13.5-15.5 mm), in most cases such jewelry is made to order and is very important for its owner. Take a closer look at this ring, most likely it will be able to tell you a lot about the person who is in front of you.

Who wears

a thumb ring? a thumb Ring is an infrequent phenomenon. It is usually worn by those who want or need to be the center of attention (musicians, poets, artists, artists), or simply because it is so fashionable at the moment.

As for women, the picture is much simpler. They are ready to wear rings everywhere, if it is considered fashionable. However, in this case, you need to remember that the rings on your hands must be made of the same metal or not differ from each other in the color of the frame. Very inappropriate look next to silver and gold, if they are not matched in texture and color scheme.

Engagement rings

Ring on the index finger: symbolism, how to wear it correctly

Have you ever tried to put a ring on your index finger, for example, but you couldn't wear it there? Do you know why? Psychologists believe that this attitude to rings can be easily explained if you dig into the head and personality. Let's ask the professionals what you can say about a person who wears a ring on this finger.

The index finger is a part of the hand that can point out mistakes, scold, forbid anything, silence, in other words, force a person to obey the will of his master without further ADO. Therefore, if you see someone wearing a ring on this particular finger, keep in mind that this person is either in a leadership position, or unknowingly aspires to power, i.e. a born leader.

Psychologists believe that the character of women who wear small silver rings on this finger is soft, picky, shy and timid. These ladies tend to obey, it is wise to prioritize and good conduct of the family business. If on the index finger of a modern girl you noticed a large bright ring made of a large piece of gold, then you have a powerful, active lady who will not let you live in peace in a relationship.

But the gold ring on the index finger in Israel shows that a woman is married, has strong family obligations and is not inclined to communicate with the opposite sex. In this country, it is believed that the larger the ring on the index finger, the better the symbol of marriage will be visible from afar. However, modern young couples do not always adhere to these ancient traditions.

Meaning of a normal ring on the ring finger of the left or right hand

Many girls are interested in the question: can I wear rings on the ring finger of the right or left hand, if she is not married yet? Opinions on this issue are quite contradictory: some say that in any case this should not be done, while others insist that it is not just possible, but necessary. Let's consider both points of view.

Opinion 1. Girls by nature strive for family and marriage. Nature made them so, and there's nothing you can do about it. Therefore, if a girl began to wear a ring on the ring finger of her left or right hand, then she may even unconsciously show her desire to get married as soon as possible, get a home and offspring.

Opinion 2. But there is also another group of unmarried beauties who flatly refuse to put jewelry on this finger much earlier than the appointed time, so as not to frighten luck and not lose their long-awaited family happiness.

Opinion 3. As for sound logic, detached from grandmother's fairy tales, we can only say one thing: if you are a pleasant, kind, caring and moderately loose person, then you can at least wear three rings on your ring finger ahead of time, but you will find your betrothed – he will not go anywhere from you.

Wearing a ring on the middle finger: meaning

And from the point of view of esotericism, it is believed that if you seriously approach the question of choosing a ring on the middle finger of a person's hand, you can not only significantly correct the character of the individual, but also improve health, vital energy and improve relationships with loved ones.

Right hand

On the right side, rings are most often worn by those people who need rest, support, and renewal of their creative and vital forces. And also on this finger put a ring on those who often make serious decisions in life. These are brave and courageous, persistent and reasonable individuals who can take on a huge bag of responsibility and carry it without a murmur for many years.

Left hand

On the left middle finger, the ring performs a calming function. Previously, it was worn by girls who were carrying a child and preparing for childbirth, old people who were looking for peace and tranquility, as well as people who were engaged in painstaking work that requires maximum concentration.

Today, it is believed that to get maximum support from jewelry, you should wear a ring made of gold, since this material feels its owner most of all. And if gold jewelry is not affordable, it can be replaced with copper. And when protection and support are required, the ring is made of silver, since this metal protects the interests of its owner not only from dark forces, but also from bad manifestations of their own character.


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