Can I wear gold and silver together

 Most likely, you have heard that you can not wear gold and silver at the same time, since these two metals are opposite to each other in energy. It is believed that gold is day, sun, spring, and silver is night, moon, and winter, and according to my grandmother's precepts, these two metals should not intersect in the same company.

However, in the modern world, far from prejudice, you can find a lot of jewelry that combines gold and silver in the most remarkable way.

Gold and silver in different decorations


Just a dozen years ago, the combination of gold and silver jewelry in one image was a perfect moveton. And where this tradition came from is not entirely clear, because in the old days, high-born people put on all the jewelry that they had in their box, just to look brighter and richer. So, today, by combining two metals in one image, we do not violate anything, but only continue the traditions of our ancestors.

Today, there are no strict rules that forbid us to wear gold and silver together.

Can I wear engagement rings made of different metals on one hand
Today, it is believed that engagement rings made of silver and gold can be worn simultaneously. The main thing is that stylistically they look harmonious – this is the main criterion that needs to be met. So, we take out the cherished chest and start to wise up-to select gold and silver accessories.

Putting a large gold ring on your finger, you can emphasize it with several neat non-screaming silver rings. Naturally, on the other hand, you can wear a pair of gold and one silver jewelry. And if you also have the opportunity to complement all this with a bracelet made of any precious metal, then, of course, your new bow will be appreciated. Especially this seemingly awkward design is suitable for girls under forty, who can afford to play not only images, but also incongruous accessories. But adult solid ladies, before putting on such a composition of silver and gold, should think carefully: after all, in their circle, such jewelry can be perceived as tasteless.

You can also put on one hand large engagement rings made of white gold (perhaps even with a beautiful large insert) and on the other – a few small silver jewelry. The difference in the color of accessories on different hands will not be noticeable, but well-chosen products in shape and design will create an interesting composition.

Rings made of different metals on the hand are not bad manners, bad manners are illiterate accessories in style.

Despite the freedom of choice of images and styles that we are given today, stylists still recommend following some rules. Namely:

If you put two or three rings of different metal on one hand, they should not:
* have precious inserts that do not match in color – this is now interpreted as a sign of vulgarity;
• too different in price: the combination of cheap jewelry and a status ring is not the best choice for a modern successful lady.

Is a gold cross worn on a silver chain and Vice versa

In Orthodoxy, the pectoral cross of the believer is sacred. It is a weapon against fallen spirits, has the power to heal and bestow benefits. This amulet is worn under the clothes of the heart, and it does not matter what material it is made of and on what chain it is, let it be a gold cross with a silver decoration or Vice versa. A variety of options are allowed, depending on the budget of the believer.

Decorative unconsecrated crosses are also very popular today. They came into fashion not so long ago, at the end of the 20th century. These new types of accessories are very diverse in both shape and combination of materials.

A special place is occupied by men's massive silver crosses on a gold chain. This combination became famous not so long ago, but the unusual design attracted the buyer with its originality and became popular. And in our world, as you know, interesting ideas are always held in high esteem.

Women's crosses are made more elegant than men's. Today, a very interesting composition is in fashion – a Golden cross with a jade stone on a thin chain of white gold or silver. You can also choose the option with a silver cross inlaid with rubies on a gold chain. Stones are well combined with a thin gold chain, and silver gives the product a unique tenderness and Shine.

Combination of gold and silver in one decoration

In the twenty-first century, we can afford to break some rules and create our own individual style, so let's look at how you can combine different precious metals in one product.

If you are in doubt, choose a silver or gold pendant, first look at the entire range offered by stores today: jewelers and here tried to please everyone. There is a great option for you – silver pendants with gold.

Usually jewelry made of gold and silver have a very original design and color combination. Also, it is very important to wear this jewelry can be both on a gold and silver chain. Basically, these products are designed for everyday wear. They perfectly complement the image and originally emphasize the taste of their hostess.

Engagement rings

Engagement rings are one of the main elements of a family. All future spouses want to have original and unique engagement rings, but not always enough funds, especially given the proximity of the wedding celebration. In this case, you will be saved by silver rings with gold inserts or gold rings with silver: they always look original and unusual, and the price is a little more affordable for everyone.

Silver in combination with gold is a good talisman for a young family, which protects its owners from the evil eye, envious people and discord.

Engagement rings


Very beautiful and original look silver earrings with gold inserts. This accessory is suitable for a strict office style for business meetings, and for a flying light dress for friendly parties.
Silver ring with gold insert

This year it is very fashionable to wear jewelry made of alloys of different colors. This attribute also includes the rings we are discussing made of silver with gold inserts or Vice versa.

Almost all types of stones are combined with such decorations. But especially elegant look rings with pearls, cubic Zirconia and other stones of delicate shades, which this year are considered very fashionable. This product will be a great gift for a girl, for example, for an important date. The decoration will correctly emphasize the beauty and femininity of your beloved, making her image gentle and romantic.


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