
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2020

On which fingers what rings are worn

 Jewelry can tell you a lot about its owner. Sometimes a good observer can even learn from an ordinary ring what the observer himself does not even know. Big. According to esotericists, the energy flowing through this finger affects the head and neck in many ways. Therefore, it is believed that for people who are constantly engaged in mental activity, it is best to wear a large massive decoration (ring or signet) on the thumb of the left hand. And the right one should be decorated by people who seek power and control over others, for example, managers, teachers, public figures, politicians, and diplomats. Nameless. In countries with the Christian religion, the ring finger of the right and left hands is usually occupied by engagement rings . But putting a ring on the same finger of the left hand is not recommended, since it is traditionally occupied by engagement rings from the marriage in which a woman lost her husband. Did you know that according to business etiquette, there should

Can I wear gold and silver together

 Most likely, you have heard that you can not wear gold and silver at the same time, since these two metals are opposite to each other in energy. It is believed that gold is day, sun, spring, and silver is night, moon, and winter, and according to my grandmother's precepts, these two metals should not intersect in the same company. However, in the modern world, far from prejudice, you can find a lot of jewelry that combines gold and silver in the most remarkable way. Gold and silver in different decorations   Just a dozen years ago, the combination of gold and silver jewelry in one image was a perfect moveton. And where this tradition came from is not entirely clear, because in the old days, high-born people put on all the jewelry that they had in their box, just to look brighter and richer. So, today, by combining two metals in one image, we do not violate anything, but only continue the traditions of our ancestors. Today, there are no strict rules that forbid us to wear gold and

On which finger and on which hand do men wear rings, signets and rings

 Rings are not just about women. Moreover, initially this decoration was worn by male representatives, and not by secular fashionistas. Rings were a functional accessory: from a poison hidden under the lid for a sworn enemy and a miniature sundial to a way to pay for goods received or services rendered (so the number of rings could equal the number of fingers). However, today men rarely hang rings on all their fingers. Unless it's a celebrity, an authority with a criminal bent, or a Gypsy Baron. But one or two rings, selected with taste, will look appropriate and complement the style well. Not to mention the fact that they can become an indicator of the status and financial prosperity of the owner. Men are more likely to wear rings and signets than thin rings. These decorations have a more masculine look. But what is the difference between a ring and a signet? The first are inlaid with precious stones, and the second front part is a kind of platform where stones, engraving, inscrip